Living Meaningfully

Our residential home provides safe, secured, and dignified 24/7 personal care and support to clients who may find it difficult to manage daily life at home and would benefit from additional expert support to continue to live meaningful lives but without the need for specialist nursing or dementia care.

We provide clean and healthy environments, rooms, and bathrooms.

These services also include provision of residential care and support for patients with mental health and substance abuse illnesses, but do not provide healthcare to treat a medical condition. However, we have good links with local health professionals such as GPs, physiotherapists and dentists who can visit residents if necessary. Alternatively, our care staff can arrange fast and easy access and accompany residents to appointments outside the home.

We communicate with our clients about their physical, psychological, and emotional needs and preferences. We have in place a communication policy that all service users and staff understand and adhere to.

We always recognise the privacy of our residents, and this includes privacy of their personal care, confidentiality of any information owned by or kept about the residents and privacy of their personal space.

Our residents can take control over their own lives, making independent choices about their care, treatment and day-to-day living activities without reproach by care staff.


  • +44(0) 7411 500476


Monday – Friday 9 – 5
Saturday 9 – 5
Sunday 1 – 5


Residential Services

Our residential services include but are not limited to:

  • Personal care including bathing, washing, skin and nail care and hygiene.
  • Help with dressing and undressing.
  • Excellent, quality option meals and snacks throughout the day. Choice dinner and eating assistance if required.
  • Help with toileting and incontinence support.
  • Help with getting in and out of bed.
  • Medication administration.
  • A wide range of social activities and entertainment both in and out of the home to encourage physical and mental exercise.
  • We ensure that any cultural, religious or lifestyle needs are met.
  • Providing prompts and reminders around medication and appointments.
  • Making appointments, maintaining records, and keeping diaries.
  • Doing what we can to ensure clients maintain a healthy, happy life with choice and independence.
  • Feedback from residents is requested for quarterly review and used to improve care.

Meeting Nutritional Needs of Residents

  • Our care staff understand the importance of nutrition and hydration in our daily life and know the signs and symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration.
  • Our staff are trained in the subject of nutrition and food hygiene.
  • Our care staff discuss with residents the help that might be needed should there be any problems with nutrition, care assistants discuss with residents the help they might need to improve this. Where necessary referral is made to the appropriate professional doctor or dietician.

  • Our care staff discuss food and drink likes and dislikes with residents and these are fed back to the kitchen staff. Also, taken into consideration is any religious or special dietary needs the resident might have and these are fed back to the kitchen staff. We do not make assumptions about resident’s food requirements in relation to their cultural or religious beliefs.
  • Residents are enabled to maintain their independence with eating and clearing up for as long as possible and staff supports residents to identify aids that may help the resident maintain their independence with eating.
  • Residents are not interrupted when eating their food, and food served is always accompanied with drinks.

Personal Care and Hygiene Needs

  • Our clients decide the level of assistance they need from care staff with their personal hygiene and assumptions are not made about the level of cleanliness the resident chooses to adopt.
  • Our care staff assist with all aspects of personal appearance that the resident is unable to maintain for themselves, ensuring they always maintain the resident’s privacy and independence. This includes assistance with:
    1. Washing and dressing
    2. Shaving, hair care and nail care
    3. Oral hygiene
    4. Laundry and ironing
    5. Cleanliness of their rooms and décor.

It is vital that the voice of those who experience care, their families, and carers shape what we do and how we do it. It is critical that everyone has the choice and control over their support and care. We listen to views and act on them to review our approaches and identify good practice that improves the quality of care, support and early learning experiences for those who use our residential services.

We have a culture of promoting Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion work where everyone feels included, respected, and valued. Our residents are not discriminated against because of their age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or health status. They are included in a range of social activities to enable them to feel integrated into the community and in society in general. We therefore endeavour to having contact, where possible with family and friends, being able to go shopping, to go out socially, to be in control of their own financial arrangements and to do all this in a safe and secured environment. We collaborate with care services and providers, to support the best possible outcomes for those in our care.

Our care team are highly trained and are made aware of the home’s abuse and whistle blowing policies and procedures in reporting of incidents which covers the statutory disclosures protected under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.

Our Staff are protected under the whistle blowing policy from recrimination by members of staff who are reported for abusing residents. Any suspicions of abuse are reported by managers to the local Adult Protection Co-ordinator.

Members are supported by the care home when raising concerns about any poor practice or abuse they witness or hear about on behalf of residents, and we adopt a ‘no blame’ culture for those who whistle blow.

Furthermore, we provide services to people or groups with special needs such as people experiencing visual impairment. Service information is provided in different formats and people from ethnic minority groups can have a care assistant from the same ethnic group providing the care for them. These groups are accorded the same level of service that anyone one else is entitled to receive.

Hints on Paying for Residential Care


  • NHS continuing Healthcare and NHS-Funded Nursing Care
  • Pension Credit
  • Getting Help at Home
  • Care’s Allowance
  • Paying for Care and Support Home
  • Benefits for People under Pension Credit Age
  • Personal Budget and Direct Payments in Social Care
  • Attendance Allowance

  • Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance

All our staff are fully trained and committed to work towards the general well-being of the service users, always considering each service users’ individuality, cultural background, and values. Our staff are fully qualified, and DBS checked for your peace of mind.

Make An Appointment

We would love to get you or your loved ones started on the journey of great care and companionship that we provide. Please book an appointment with us. For all other communications, use the information on our contact page.